Thursday, January 22, 2009

That's right, I'm domestic

I have been wavering back and forth over starting this blog for awhile. I finally decided to do it.

During the holiday season, I baked homemade bread for Christmas gifts. Drew's uncle made the comment, "wow, Stephanie, when did you become domestic?" He had a point. Before Drew and I were married, my kitchen skills were sad. I ate instant mashed potatoes and cooked on a George Foreman in college. I didn't even know how to patty a hamburger. That's sad. As I got married and the years passed, I started becoming really interested in food and cooking. I read cookbooks for fun. I acquired a crockpot (and then 3 more. yes, I have four crockpots) and started experimenting with those. Pretty soon, I was cooking more and more and found that I am quite good (despite what Drew says). My recent challenges have been trying to make more foods from scratch (bread, granola, etc).

So, this blog is basically just a place to post the recipes I have tried, share recipes with others, and show my domesticity!


  1. Im looking forward to reading more on this blog! And dish out those crock pot recipes!! I need some for my new "Wednesday Crock Pot Meal" Day. This was the first week for this plan and hopefully you can post our next meal!! LOL!! Also, what do u use FOUR crock pots for?!?! LMAO!!

  2. LeeAnn,

    Hahaha! Let me explain my crockpot situation because I am sure other people are thinking I am living in crockpot gluttony. I had one that I inherited from my Grandma. It's from the 1970's but still works. It doesn't have a lid so I have to use a sauce pan lid. I received a small one for dips as a gift. Then, two years ago, I received a new big Smartpot for Christmas since my other one was so old. Last fall, that one developed a hairline crack (but still works fine) but the company replaced it with an even bigger, stainless steel smartpot!

    I will try to post a crockpot recipe of the week on here. I really do use mine about 1-3 times per week for dinners.
